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Key to success #1 - We partner with farm owners...who oversee the building of the home.

Two of our partners in Honduras Montgomery Melghem Mejia (Finca San Pablo in Marcala, LaPaz) and Jose Mardú Rodriguez (Finca Santa Martha in San Andres, Lempira) and their families, are perfect examples of how

effective this approach to partnering with farm owners can be. These men, their friends, and their families are wonderful people and have become good friends as a result of serving together. We keep each other encouraged as we work through various issues. We are looking forward to helping many more families together.

The way we will be able to scale building many more homes is to meet and partner with farm owners like Montgomery and Mardu. The idea is to develop relationships all over Honduras, Colombia, and into new countries around the world and be building 100's of homes each year. It is a decentralized and empowering approach to mobilizing the assets of caring people that exist in each location. It is exciting and fulfilling to be in partnership with like-minded people, cooperatives, and people of influence willing to serve others. The coffee culture at the source is built for this approach. Coffee people all around the world are asking if we can partner with them. The future is very exciting. Are you interested in serving families in need of homes like Montgomery and Jose?

A typical conversation with the people I get to do life and homes with...

Jose Mardú Rodriguez - Good morning Tom, grateful and blessed to be finishing the construction of the Cortez-Vasquez family home.

Tom Hackett (Coffee Homes Director) - It is a very nice house with good construction quality. I appreciate all you do to help families. Let's do it again! Please be praying for more donors.

Jose Mardu Rodriguez - That's right, it is and will be a home with harmony and happiness, thanks to God and all collaborators, donors, and the same family

Tom Hackett - Every home is a miracle. Thanks for doing your part.

Jose Mardu Rodriguez - It is an immense pleasure and joy to be part of these projects

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